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執筆者の写真: TetsuTetsu


ハケで試しに塗ってみたところ、意外と大変、ぜんぜん進まない、手が疲れる (; ̄ー ̄川 こりゃ、いつになったら塗り終わることやら...と暗い気分になったその時! ローラー登場 Σ(゚д゚;) !? なにこれっ、はやいっ、キレイっ、超楽しいっ!! みんな夢中になって塗りまくり。 なんかもう、早々に仕上がっちゃいそうなイキオイです。

This is Tetsu, manager of "Asahikawa Ride" in Asahikawa, Hokkaido.

I tried painting with brush, I surprised very much, I will not progress at all, my hands get tired (¯ ー ¯ 川 Well, when it's time to finish painting ... that time it felt dark! Roller appearance Σ (゚ д ゚;)!? What is this, quickly, beautiful, super fun! ! Everybody is crazy painting. Something is already, Ichiyo seems to finish early. The former guest house was a tropical style wall based on Orange. In order to renew this image, I will try to repain! If you can, I'd like to try it fun with adults, so if you have time next week, please come to Asahikawa Ride (^ ^) r Do not want to paint on the wall, do you want to do it? Prepare a dirt prevention shield, wait a moment ♪


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